Level Up Wellness Group

Women supporting women?

Time to re-visit the #QueenBeePhenonomen. #AreYouAQueenBee

For the last 6 months, I have been in the thick of writing my dissertation, the subject of which is the lack of women in higher-level leadership positions. Over the last 3 years I have noticed that, if we truly want to have gender equity in leadership positions, one action that women can engage in to help move the workplace culture towards gender equality is senior women mentoring junior women! We also need men to mentor women. This is how we grow as a workforce and society!

I have shared various metaphors that have been developed to describe this phenomenon of women not helping women. I too am currently experiencing what I believe to be, the #QueenBeePhenomenon. I can’t help but wonder why it has been EXTREMELY difficult to find a content expert to review my literature review. I have contacted over 30 women who have an area of expertise in the field. I frequently have discussions with my chair, who is a woman, about the irony of the situation, as the women that have declined to help me have all promoted “women helping women”.

Researchers and their ilk have written about women supporting women in order to bring gender equity in pay and in leadership positions, as well as having the same opportunities as men. Women, support those who want to be mentored by you! We are never going to achieve gender parity in the workforce when women excuse the behavior of NOT supporting other women. Reflect on how you might be contributing to the absence of women in leadership. We want to change the problem, we need to change our behaviours! REFLECT- WHEN HAVE YOU SAID “NO”? #ImNotTheOnlyOne

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