Level Up Wellness Group

What’s a “queer-affirming therapist”?

queer-affirming therapist

Therapy can take many forms and have such a variety of different approaches. When we look at evidence-based practices, that gives us a really big toolbox with an incredible amount of tools that therapists can use to best support our clients. You may have heard terms like CBT, DBT, and EMDR before, and those are just some of those approaches that may be used. Even if a therapist isn’t directly doing trauma-work with you, you might need them to be trauma-informed to ensure they’re being aware of what things could become difficult for you as they work to support you in your healing journey.

If someone is looking for a spiritually-informed or spiritual-affirming therapist, they want somebody that will resonate with their faith or at least be able to understand the experiences and values they hold dear to their hearts. Queer-affirming therapy means that the counsellor will be aware of the challenges a person faces if they are part of the 2SLGTBQIA+ community and has taken special interest in being able to support them.

So why choose a “queer-affirming” or “queer-informed” therapist?”

When a person–or if they have a loved one–fits within the 2SLGBTQIA+ umbrella, they may not feel fully understood by their counsellor in that specific area when it is a core element to who they are. What a queer-affirming therapist does is process through the education and experience they have with the realities, joys, and struggles that a queer individual would have.

In the same way that when working with men’s mental health, it is extremely important that the therapist have an understanding of the challenges men may face culturally, emotionally, mentally, and relationally. A counsellor does not need to go through the same experiences as you to be able to empathize and support you in your mental health and goals. Being trained and specializing will allow them to be affirming and informed in a way that is caring, sensitive, and supportive to what you and/or your loved one has gone through.

The next steps…

At Level Up Wellness Group, we have a diverse team of providers so you can find someone who is informed on the areas you care for most.

If you are needing a queer-informed therapist or have other areas of deep value to you, reach out and set up your appointment through calling our Client Relations Team at (780) 886-4345, or book online with a provider of your choice by checking out Our Team.

We’re here for you, wherever you are in life.

Written by our certified counsellor: Terry Stroud

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