A Sensory assessment is completed to assess how an individual responds to the ever growing load of sensory information they receive on a daily basis. By reviewing how a person responds to sensory information, the therapist can help identify the impact on a person’s day to day functioning.
The Sensory assessment will be completed by an occupational therapist and may include a combination of direct observation, standardized assessment, and/or caregiver or self report that helps to determine how the individual responds to the sensory input they are receiving.
Signs that an individual may struggle with processing sensory information can include:
Being easily distracted or bothered by sounds, textures, light or smells.
Individuals may rock, shake, jump, or spin frequently.
Appearing clumsy or frequently bumps into obstacles.
Sensitive to crowded, noisy environments.
Struggles to identify changes in temperature.
May appear under or over sensitive to pain.
Has difficulty holding objects.
For more information on sensory assessments, contact our client relations team.
Direct billing is not available for any assessments