Level Up Wellness Group

Social Media Policy – Protecting Privacy & Boundaries

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Social Media

The use of social media represents a modern way that individuals interact with companies and local services. When individuals choose to utilize these as a means of communication and interaction, however, confidentiality and privacy cannot be assumed or guaranteed.

Social Media refers to any interaction outside the treatment room/relationship. This would include virtual and non-virtual modes, such as print media, internet, video-based media (i.e., television, YouTube, etc.), text messages, e-mail, social media networking (i.e., LinkedIn, etc.), entertainment sites (i.e., Facebook, Twitter, etc.), business promotion services, business review services (i.e., RateMyDoc.com, Google Reviews, Yelp, etc.), websites (i.e., PsychologyToday.com, etc.), and blog posts.

Despite the strict privacy that comes with seeing a mental health professional, social media allows clients to share their daily happenings with individuals around the globe. As regulated professionals, they keep your information and our therapeutic relationship confidential. Except in rare cases where they hear that you may be a harm to yourself or to others, or in the case of a court-subpoena, everything you and your mental health professional discuss is kept private.

Should you post on any of our social media pages, it is possible that individuals may construe that you are receiving our psychological services. While we believe there is nothing wrong about being open regarding mental health, we wish for you to make social media decisions in an informed way

Friending and Following

The mental health professionals of Level Up Leadership Consulting & Psychology do not seek out or engage with clients through social media platforms (e.g., Instagram, Facebook). Should a mental health professional find that they have accidentally connected with you, it is their personal responsibility to end the connection as to minimize the likelihood for a privacy breach.

Our mental health professionals, and Level Up Leadership Consulting & Psychology as a whole, use social media networks for marketing purposes. Should you come across the personal social media account of your mental health professional, please discuss it with them at your next session. The mental health professional would likely be flattered that you would like to connect with them in this personal way, but such a connection impairs their ability to work effectively with you. As such, our mental health professionals avoid dual-relationships and request that clients do not connect with them personally through any social media.


Please do not use social media messaging to contact your mental health professional. These sites do not meet our stringent privacy standards and messages are not checked frequently. Connecting with your mental health professional on social media can breach your privacy, and they may be required to document the exchanges, placing your social media information in your client record. They will not view your social media footprint without your consent, and only if it helps us meet your needs.


Level Up Psychology has a professional website that contains public information for you about our clinical services. The website offers a “Contact Us” page that allows you to send a protected message to your mental health professional. Please include your mental health professional’s name and the word ‘confidential’ in the subject line to ensure it is accurately forwarded to your mental health professional.

Search Engines

The mental health professionals of Level Up Psychology will not use web or social media searches to gather information about you without your permission. Although they do not normally search for client information, in times of crisis they may do so. This would represent a rare and unusual process, at this time, Level Up Psychology does not operate a specific crisis service.

Business Review Sites

You may encounter Level Up Psychology on various business review websites. Some business review sites include functions to rate and review businesses or persons. In some cases, these sites automatically add businesses to their list regardless of whether the business wanted to be added or not.

While you can offer an opinion on any of these sites, please know that neither Level Up Psychology nor their mental health professionals solicit review of their practice or services. By posting publicly about your mental health professional or experience, you may inadvertently expose your private information to the global audience. It is important to note that your mental health professional may never see the review or post you make on these sites. If you have a concern about a mental health professional or a session, please discuss it directly with the person. Doing so can be an important part of therapy.

Sometimes clients may not feel able to speak directly to their mental health professional. In this case, you can contact Level Up Psychology at clientrelations@luwg.ca


GPS and Location-Based Services

If you have enabled GPS or location-based services on your phone or social media application, please be aware of the privacy issues related to this. It is possible that others may construe that you are a client of Level Up Leadership Consulting & Psychology due to your location, as reported by various social media sites or applications.

Thank you for taking the time to review the Level Up Leadership Consulting & Psychology Social Media Policy. If you have questions about this, please discuss them with your mental health professional.

Adapted with permission from Hexagon Psychology