Level Up Wellness Group

Occupational Therapist

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What is an Occupational Therapist?

Occupational therapists, often called OTs, are the primary providers of occupational therapy services.

OTs are
  • university educated professionals that apply their specialized knowledge and skills to recommend a course of preventive or corrective action that will help people lead more productive and satisfying lives,

  • trained to understand not only the medical and physical limitations of a disability or injury, but also the psychosocial factors that affect the functioning of the whole person – their health and their wellness, and 

  • a regulated medical profession; occupational therapists must be registered with their provincial regulator in order to practice legally in Canada.

An Occupational Therapist supports and individuals ability to fulfill their daily routines and roles. They can help individuals with injuries, illnesses, disabilities or mental health struggles overcome daily challenges. Often times Occupational Therapists are supported by other counsellors and therapist such as physical therapists, speech and language pathologists, and psychologists.

What Does An Occupational Therapist Do?

Occupational Therapist flow chart

An OT Will Assist You By...

  • Assessing skills

  • Creating Intervention Plans for Daily Routines

  • Providing developmentally appropriate goals related to play, social interactions, attention, motor skills, self-care, etc.

  • Recommending modifications or accommodations to activities and the environment (Autism Fact Sheet)

  • Helping develop self-care skills, school readiness, play skills, social/emotional regulation.

  • Helping clients achieve optimum independence and well-being

Some Strategies OTs Use

  • To support the development of fine motor skills, individuals will be guided through activities like dot dot painting (i.e. filling in the outline of a pumpkin with dots) or squeezing resistant materials.​

  • The OT creates activities to model and practise daily activities like zipping and tying shoes, brushing hair and teeth, using utensils, and school/work related activities tailored to an individual’s goals.

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