To view our up-to-date fees, please see our booking page.
Billable time includes any time the therapist spends with clients in session (in-person, phone, video), working on the client’s file (follow-ups, reports, connecting to other agencies or persons on client’s request), or responding to clients via phone or email regarding therapeutic content.
Non-session billable rates apply: 15-minute increments billed at $200/hr. For example, 30 minutes spent on report writing will be $100. Time spent is rounded up to the nearest 15-minute increment.
Our appointment times are reserved for clients. Clients are financially responsible for the scheduled time as agreed upon in the Client Services Contract. We require:
If your account is in arrears for more than 90 days, Level Up reserves the right to place your account in collections. You will be responsible for any and all collection charges incurred.
We offer direct billing with many insurance providers! Some options are only available for clients booking with Registered Psychologists. To see if we can bill to your insurance company directly, use the diagram below.
Services NOT Included in Direct Billing:
It’s a good idea to understand the details of your insurance coverage. Here are some handy questions you might consider asking your insurance provider:
Remember, only your insurance company has all the specifics about your plan. While we’d love to help, we don’t have access to those particular details.
Medicard can pre-approve an approximate amount needed for treatment. This allows you to get the financial assistance you require with the flexibility to choose your physician, service provider, procedure, product purchase, or procedure date.
Steps to Applying for Medicard:
1. Submit your application online in confidence, call us at 1‑888‑689‑9876, or fax your completed application to 1‑888‑689‑9862. Application forms are available here.
2. Medicard will notify you of the credit decision by phone.
3. Medicard sends payment automatically to your doctor or service provider.
For more information on Medicard or to apply, please visit their website.
We offer a variety of professionals to meet your needs! Please contact the clinic for updated rates for each provider.
Report writing, telephone consultation, letter, and form completion are billed at the rate of the service being provided.
Billing can also occur in 10-minute increments for services done outside the therapy hour such as phone calls, letters, and the like calculated at one-fifth the hourly rate for every 10 minutes.
Incremental billings are also appropriate for services provided beyond a 50-minute session.
Fees for specialized services & treatments not listed on the schedule may exceed the current recommended guidelines.
New Hourly Rates in Effect, As of March 2025
Please contact us directly for corporate rates, as they are dependent on the services required.
Insurance coverage varies between companies and plans. For your specific coverage, look in your benefit book, online or contact your company direct. Psychology sessions usually fall under the ‘Paramedical Services’ section of your benefits. Some plans will have a set dollar amount per year per type of service, some will have a pooled account for any services under this category and others have coverage based on a percentage.
Not every insurer covers every type of mental health therapist. For example, Alberta Blue Cross will cover and allow direct billing for services provided by psychologists, social workers and clinical social workers and provisional psychologists. SunLife will cover Psychologists and Social Workers, but does not enable direct billing. Manulife covers Psychologists, and sometimes covers Social Workers, but does not enable direct billing.
Services such as psychologist/mental health therapist, chiropractors, physiotherapists, massage, podiatrists, osteopaths and optometrists fall under Paramedical Services. Paramedical Services often draw on one pool of money. This means that if you use your benefits to see a physiotherapist you will have less money remaining for psychology services.
Many businesses are using Health Spending Accounts to allow their employees to have the flexibility to cover the services that they need individually. If you have access to a health spending account, funds are usually easier to access than traditional coverage.
In our experience, coverage is often at the discretion of your case manager/specialist. If you feel sessions with a psychologist will aid you with getting back to work, we encourage you to be your own self-advocate and make the request. The timeline/process of approvals vary from client to client; sometimes it takes several requests to be approved while others have had the manager/specialist initiate the referral.
Whenever possible, we are happy to bill your insurance provider directly.
We offer direct billing with many insurance providers! Some options are only available for clients booking with Registered Psychologists.
Services NOT Included in Direct Billing:
For a list of providers we are currently approved to direct bill, please click here or contact us.
You can make a specific inquiry about your interest & company, and receive a response by submitting a form here.
Want to stay anonymous? Use our simple request form here.