Level Up Wellness Group

Assessments and Diagnostics Services

Our multi-disciplinary team offers a number of assessments to help you or your child on their path to wellness.
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evaluate psychological, emotional, and behavioral disorders

Understanding Clinical Assessment: A Guide for Potential Clients

Adult Clinical Assessments

Who is involved?

Clinical assessment is conducted by trained mental health professionals such as psychologists, psychiatrists, and clinical social workers. These professionals are equipped with the expertise to evaluate psychological, emotional, and behavioral disorders.

What is it?

Clinical assessment is a comprehensive evaluation process that aims to diagnose, understand, and treat psychological conditions. It involves a variety of techniques including interviews, behavioral observations, and psychometric tests.

Where does it take place?

This process typically takes place in a private, secure setting such as a psychologist’s office, hospital, or mental health clinic, ensuring confidentiality and comfort for the client.

When should one seek a clinical assessment?

Individuals are encouraged to seek a clinical assessment when experiencing psychological distress, behavioral changes, or when advised by a medical professional. Early assessment can lead to better treatment outcomes. If you have concerns about a mental health diagnosis and medication and counseling doesn’t seem to be supporting you.

Why is it important?

Clinical assessments are crucial as they lay the foundation for developing an effective treatment plan. They help in identifying specific psychological issues, clarifying diagnoses, and tailoring interventions that address the unique needs of the individual.

Understanding Vocational Assessments: Key Insights for Individuals What are they?

Vocational Assessments

What are they?

Vocational assessments are evaluations designed to identify the careers or types of employment that best match an individual’s strengths and preferences. These assessments typically include a combination of interviews, skill tests, personality inventories, and interest assessments.

When should one consider a vocational assessment?

Individuals often undergo vocational assessments when they are uncertain about their career path, considering a career change, or returning to the workforce after a significant break. They are also useful for students choosing an educational track or professionals facing transitions due to physical or psychological changes.

Why are they important?

Vocational assessments help individuals understand which careers are likely to be fulfilling and successful based on their unique profile. For organizations, these assessments aid in placing the right people in the right roles, enhancing job satisfaction and productivity.

Vocational assessments are a valuable tool for career planning and development, offering tailored insights that help align an individual’s capabilities and goals with potential career opportunities.

Psychoeducational Assessments for Licensing Exams and Post-Secondary Accommodations

Psychoeducational Assessments for Licensing Exams and Post-Secondary Accommodations

Academic (Post secondary and Licensing exams)

Who conducts them?

Psychoeducational assessments for professional licensing exams and post-secondary settings are typically conducted by educational psychologists or other trained specialists in educational assessment. These professionals have expertise in identifying learning disabilities, cognitive impairments, and other factors that could affect an individual’s ability to perform in test-taking and academic environments.

When should they be conducted?

Why are they important? The primary goal of psychoeducational assessments in this context is to ensure that all individuals have equitable access to test-taking and learning environments that recognize and appropriately support their specific needs. They help in:

  1. Identifying specific learning disabilities or challenges that could impact an individual’s ability to perform under standard testing conditions.
  2. Tailoring accommodations to meet the needs of the individual, such as extended time, alternative formatting of tests, or the provision of assistive technology.
  3. Supporting documentation requirements that professional licensing bodies or educational institutions need to process and approve accommodation requests.

These assessments are crucial for creating a level playing field, allowing individuals with specific needs to fully demonstrate their capabilities and knowledge without being hindered by disabilities or other challenges.

All of Our Assessment Services:

Psychoeducational Assessments

Receive a comprehensive report to support your child’s development that includes holistic recommendations to meet your child’s/your needs

Autism Spectrum Disorder Assessments

Psychology & Occupational Therapy (Multi-Team)

Adoption Assessments

If you are growing your family through adoption we can help!

Gross and Fine Motor Skills Assessments

If your child is struggling with gross or fine motor skills, our occupational therapists can help.

Clinical Assessments

Clinical assessments help psychologists evaluate clients when they are looking for more clarity around their problems and struggles.

Sensory Assessments

Sensory Assessments help therapists identify the impact on a person’s day-to-day functioning and find ways of helping.

Interoceptive Assessments

Interoception is like your body’s inner sense that tells you how you’re feeling on the inside. It’s how you can tell if you’re hungry, thirsty, tired, or if your heart is beating fast because you’re scared or excited. It’s your body’s way of giving you a heads up about what it needs or how it’s doing.

Psychiatric Assessments

Psychiatric nurse practitioners are equipped to identify a variety of mental health conditions and offer comprehensive treatments, such as counseling and medication management. They conduct evaluations that discuss symptoms, behaviors, and emotions to diagnose and develop a tailored treatment strategy.

Speech + Language Assessments

ReceiveSpeech assessments look at how one is using speech sounds, how the voice sounds, dysfluencies in the speech output, understanding of language and uses of language. Certain assessments can also look more specifically at problem-solving skills, social skills and literacy skills. a comprehensive report to support your child’s development that includes holistic recommendations to meet your child’s/your needs

ADHD Assessments

There is a lot of confusion and misinformation about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

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Direct billing is not available for any assessments

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